- March
Elias’ (and my) PhD student Beatrice Åkerblom just successfully defended her thesis: On Typeability in Programming Languages. The opponent was Christoph Reichenbach from Lund University, and the grading committee consisted of Stefan Marr from University of Kent, UK, Tatjana von Rosen from Stockholm University, SE, and Paris Carbone from the Royal Institute of Technology, SE.
- February
Elias’ (and my) PhD student Beatrice Åkerblom just nailed her thesis: On Typability in Programming Languages. The defense will take place on March 20th.
- February
I will give a keynote presentation at VIMPL in Prague on our recent work on Data-Race Free Python.
- January
Dr. Albert Mingkun Yang successfully defended his thesis Design and Implementation of Temperature-Aware Garbage Collectors. The opponent was Professor Richard Jones from University of Kent, and the grading committe consisted of Professor Laurie Tratt from King’s College London, Professor Martin Elsman from University of Copenhagen and Professor Elisabeth Larsson from Uppsala University.
- January
My (recently graduated) PhD student Marina Shimchenko’s paper Monk — opportunistic scheduling to delay horizontal scaling, has been accepted for publication at PROGRAMMING 2025.