- October
- In Cascais, attending SPLASH 2023 where Marina presents our wok on automatic heap sizing for ZGC in OpenJDK, Ellen presents Reggio, our work on a region-based ownership model for flexible memory management, and Luke presents behaviour-oriented concurrency.
- October
- In Lyon, attending the 5th International ABS Workshop and talking about Behaviour-Oriented Concurrency in Verona.
- September
- Giving a talk at USI on Behaviour-Oriented Concurrency in Verona: Simple, Safe & Speedy.
- September
- In Lugano serving of the grading committee for Igor Moreno Santos at USI, PhD student of Matthias Hauswirth.
- September
- Attending and speaking at the Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS) on concurrent GC in ZGC, our past and current work on locality optimisations driven by GC, and type systems for memory management.
- August
- Our paper on reference capabilities for flexible memory management has been accepted to OOPSLA 2023. Congratulations to Ellen Arvidsson and the rest of the team!
- August
- Our paper on Behaviour-oriented Concurrency has been accepted to OOPSLA 2023. Congratulations to Luke Cheeseman and the rest of the team!
- August
- Our paper on adaptive heap sizing in ZGC on OpenJDK has been accepted to MPLR 2023. Congratulations to Sanaz Tavakolisomeh, Marina Shimchenko, and the rest of the team!
- June
- Our collaboration with Microsoft (Azure Research) on the Verona programming language is now visible on the Verona project page.
- June
- As part of our long collaboration with Oracle, there is a guest post by my PhD student Marina Shimchenko on the Inside JDK blog on our work on automatically deciding a heap size for Java programs based on using GC CPU overhead as a tuning knob. To see more blog posts made by students as part of this collaboration, see here.
- June
- We have an open PhD position in the programming languages group!
- June
- In Prague serving of the grading committee for Petr Maj at CTU, PhD student of Jan Vitek.
- June
- Off-site with parts of the PL group, making plans to take over the world.
(Most PhD students missing because of e.g. summer schools etc.)
- June
- In Lund serving on the grading committee for Noric Couderc at LTH, PhD student of Christoph Reichenbach and Emma Söderberg.
- March
- I am serving on the programme committee of the journal of Programming (vol. 8).
- March
- I am serving on the programme committee of Onward! 2023, a conference co-located with SPLASH.
- January
- I am serving on the programme committee of Erlang 2023, a workshop co-located with ICFP.
- January
- POPL tutorial on ownership with James Noble.
- August
- I am serving on the programme committee of ECOOP 2023, which despite having Europe in its title is located in Seattle.
- July
- Call for posters and demos to MPLR'22 (Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes) has been posted.
- July
- Marina Shimchenko's paper Analyzing and Predicting Energy Consumption of Garbage Collectors in OpenJDK, has been accepted for publication in Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR) 2022.
- July
- Jonas Norlinder's paper Compressed Forwarding Tables Reconsidered, has been accepted for publication in Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR) 2022.
- June
- Jonas Norlinder was given a distinguished artifact reviewer award at ECOOP 2022.
- May
- Note: The deadline for submitting papers to MPLR'22 (Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes) has been extended 1 week due to several requests from authors. Hence, there is still time to submit work on all aspects of managed programming languages and runtime systems!
- May
- Albert Yang's paper Deep Dive into ZGC: A Modern Garbage Collector in OpenJDK, has been accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.
- May
- Second printing of SICP JS!
- April
- (Remotely) attending launch event for SICP JS with Harold Abelson, Jerry Sussman, Martin Henz and Julie Sussman.
- April
- Marina Shimchenko joins the JVM RECO collaboration with Oracle as a new PhD student. Marina is interested in reducing energy consumptions of JVMs.
- April
This beauty (which one Amazon reviwer describes as dogpoop on an éclair) has finally hit the shelves.
- February
- I am serving on the PC of Scheme 2022 — a yearly meeting of programming language practitioners who share an aesthetic sense embodied by the Algorithmic Language Scheme: universality through minimalism, and flexibility through rigorous design.