
Elias’ (and my) PhD student Beatrice Åkerblom just nailed her thesis: On Typability in Programming Languages. The defense will take place on March 20th. Beatrice nailing her thesis


I will give a keynote presentation at VIMPL in Prague on our recent work on Data-Race Free Python.


Dr. Albert Mingkun Yang successfully defended his thesis Design and Implementation of Temperature-Aware Garbage Collectors. The opponent was Professor Richard Jones from University of Kent, and the grading committe consisted of Professor Laurie Tratt from King’s College London, Professor Martin Elsman from University of Copenhagen and Professor Elisabeth Larsson from Uppsala University. Albert presenting during the public defense


My (recently graduated) PhD student Marina Shimchenko’s paper Monk — opportunistic scheduling to delay horizontal scaling, has been accepted for publication at PROGRAMMING 2025.



A blog post about our work on the Mark–Scavenge GC protocol is published on inside.java.


The International Workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities and Ownership (IWACO) was a great success. Hat’s off to Alex who did most of the legwork, and to all great speakers and participants. A happy (and tired) Alex taking down the IWACO sign at the completion of the workshop.


My grant application Data-race Freedom and Memory Safety for Untyped Languages was funded by the Swedish Research Council. Funding runs until 2028.


Visiting the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge to attend Big Specification.


SICP JS has sold over 5.000 copies, excluding translations.


Marina Shimchenko just successfully defended her thesis Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Concurrent Garbage Collection. The opponent was Professor Yu David Liu from State University of New York (Binghampton), and the grading committe consisted of Professor Elisa Gonzales Boix from Vrie University of Brussels, Associate Professor Stefan Marr from University of Kent, Professor Mike Hazas from Uppsala University, and Associate Professor Emma Söderberg from University of Lund. Marina during the Q&A


My PhD student Jonas Norlinder’s paper Mark-Scavenge — Waiting for Trash to Take Itself Out, has been accepted for publication at OOPSLA 2024.


My PhD student Jonas Norlinder’s paper Mutator-Driven Object Placement using Load Barriers, has been accepted for publication at Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR) 2024.


Our paper Dafny vs. Dala — Experience with Mechanising Language Design, has been accepted for publication at FTfJP 2024.


I am Associate Editor for OOPSLA 2025. You should strongly consider OOPSLA for any interesting work you are doing in PL! (Submission link forthcoming.)


My master student Isabell’s paper Nominal Types for Erlang (with John Högberg, Kiko Fernandez-Reyes and myself) was accepted to Erlang 2024 (in conjunction with ICFP). Watch out for a future Erlang release to include her enhancement proposal.


Our intellectual abstract Reference Counting Deeply Immutable Data Structures with Cycles was accepted for ISMM 2024.


Marina’s PhD dissertation, Optimising Energy Efficiency of Concurrent Garbage Collection, is printed and bound and looks beautiful! The defense is August 30. Opponent is Yu David Liu and the grading committee is staffed by Elisa Gonzales Boix, Stefan Marr, Mike Hazas, and Emma Söderberg.


My master thesis student (supervised at Ericsson by John Högberg) Isabell Huang successfully defended her thesis on Nominal Types in Erlang. You can read the Erlang Enhancement Proposal here. See also community reactions.


I am happy to announce that I am made an official member of the IFIP TC2 Working Group 2.16 on Programming Language Design.


Marina’s paper on Scheduling Garbage Collection for Energy Efficiency on Asymmetric Multicore Processors was accepted for Programming 2024 in Lund.


I will serve on the programming committee for ESOP — European Symposium on Programming 2025.


I will serve on the programming committee for MPLR — Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes 2024.


I will serve as Associate Editor for OOPSLA 2024. You should strongly consider OOPSLA for any interesting work you are doing in PL!