- December
- I am the PC chair for the 2022 conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (in co-op with ACM). The deadline to submit papers is May 20, 2022.
- September
- Ellen Arvidsson just started as a new PhD student. Ellen did her master thesis with Philipp Haller, and is now working with me and Elias Castegren on type systems for the Verona programming language.
- August
- Together with Martin Henz and Julie Sussman (and Hal Abelson and Jerry Sussman), we just submitted Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition to MIT Press. Expect this to hit the stores in April 2022. (And now we can all get some sleep.)
- April
- I am serving on the programme committee of Onward! Essays. New to essays? Here is an explanatory quote from Richard P Gabriel: Essays are not (much) like typical technical papers; instead an essay is an exploration, a reflection, or an observation — in this case about programming, programming languages, and software... An Essay is not a technical paper, it's not a proposal for research, it's not a lousy OOPSLA paper, it's not even an Onward! Research paper. It might be an invitation to look at programming languages and software a different way. Here are the Onward! Essays of 2020. One of my favourite Onward! Essays is Some were meant for C: the endurance of an unmanageable language.
- March
- I am serving on the external review committee of OOPSLA 2021. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 16, 2021. If you are doing great work in programming languages, you should definitely consider submitting to OOPSLA.
- February
- Malin Källén just passed her PhD defense. Here is her thesis: Towards Higher Code Quality in Scientific Computing. The opponent was Professor Serge Demeyer from University of Antwerp, and the grading committe consisted of Professor Görel Hedin from Lund University, Professor Benoit Baudry from KTH, Professor Elisabeth Larsson from Uppsala University, and Magne Haveraaen from University of Bergen. The defense took place over Zoom, with an overwhelming majority of people self-identifying as experts in Scientific Computing and a few experts in Software Engineering.
- January
- Kiko Fernandez-Reyes, just passed his PhD defense. Here is his thesis: Abstractions to Control the Future. The opponent was Professor Martin Steffen from Oslo University, and the grading committe consisted of Professor Elisa Gonzales Boix from Vrije University Brussels, Christoph Reichenbach from Lund University, and Tjark Weber from Uppsala University, and Mark S. Miller from Agoric as the reserve.
The defense took place over Zoom. Thanks to all europeans that stayed up late, and to Mark who rose very early.
- January
- My PhD student Malin's paper to Programming 2021 on Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub: Characteristics and Code Clones has been accepted. In this paper we mine 2.7 million Jupyter Notebooks downloaded from GitHub to find software clones, and other characteristics such as language distributions (95% Python), etc. Read the pre-print on arXiv here.
- December
- Our Oracle project proposal to continue our collaboration on garbage collection was funded. This project will start in Spring of 2021 and run for at least one year.
- November
- My project proposal to the Swedish research council on acceleration of managed languages was funded. This project will start in January 2021 and run for four years.
- October
- I am the general chair of ISMM 2021, co-located with PLDI 2021. If you are doing any work in the area of memory management, you should definitely consider submitting to ISMM.
- August
- I am serving on the programme committee of PLDI 2021. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 20, 2020. If you are doing great work in programming languages, you should definitely consider submitting to PLDI.
- August
- Keynote: Martin Henz and myself are featured on ICFP's Scheme workshop programme, talking about the SICP JS project: SICP JS: Ketchup on Caviar?, tune in!
- June
- Jonas Norlinder's master thesis, Moving Garbage Collection with Low-Variation Memory Overhead and Deterministic Concurrent Relocation, has been approved. Notably, Jonas won 3rd prize in the PLDI Student Research Competition for his poster based on that work.
- June
- Michael Rehn's master thesis, Garbage Collected CRDTs on the Web: Studying the Memory Efficiency of CRDTs in a Web Context, has been approved.
- June
- PhD position open in a project on execution environments for high-level programming languages. Deadline to apply 2020-06-25. Part of this work will be done in collaboration with Oracle.
- June
- Our artefact for Reshape your layouts, not your programs: A safe language extension for better cache locality has been accepted to ECOOP 2020. Great work Alex Tasos!
- May
- The artefact for our paper Improving Program Locality in the GC using Hotness with won the distinguished artefact award at PLDI 2020. Our artefact downloaded and built OpenJDK, then applied a patch for the work in our paper, and then built a modified OpenJDK version. With these two versions, a reviewer could then recreate all plots from our paper on their own hardware. Kudos to artefact reviewers who ran the full set of benchmarks (which takes more than one week!).
- April
- Albert Yang's paper ThinGC: Complete Isolation With Marginal Overhead has been accepted to ISMM 2020. This is a collaboration with Oracle (Erik Österlund and Jesper Wilhelmsson) and includes work done by a master student from KTH (Hanna Nyblom).
- April
- Our paper Reshape your layouts, not your programs: A safe language extension for better cache locality has been accepted to Science of Computer Programming. This is the culmination of lots of work by Alex Tasos and Juliana Franco, Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eisenbach, and myself. And the best is yet to come as we will now allow ourselves to move forward!
- April
- The artefact for Albert Yang's paper Improving Program Locality in the GC using Hotness with Erik Österlund from Oracle and myself has been accepted to PLDI 2020 with a reusable badge.
- April
- I have been promoted to full professor of computing science (datalogi in Swedish) at Uppsala University.
- March
- My master student Jonas' entry to the PLDI 2020 Student Research Competition has been accepted. Jonas' topic is reducing the memory footprint of OpenJDK under ZGC and making it more predictable, by reengineering the forwarding tables and changing semantics of relocation so that object placement is deterministic, even with mutators and GC threads racing to relocate objects.
- February
- My PhD student Albert's paper Improving Program Locality in the GC using Hotness with Erik Österlund from Oracle and myself has been accepted to PLDI 2020.
- January
- Starting from January 1st, I am serving as the Head of Education at the department. We are currently making big changes to how we manage education, so this is doubly exciting an a great time to take on this role.