
Teaching Staff of 2019

Table of Contents

Running IOOPM has always been a team effort. Nevertheless,
different people play different roles. On this page, we list the
people involved in running the course in 2019.

1 Head Teacher: Lars-Henrik Eriksson


  • Office: 1137
  • Office hours: None in particular.
  • Email: lhe@it.uu.se

2 Teacher: Maria Andreina Francisco

3 Head Teaching Assistant: Albin Stjerna

4 Teaching Assistants

5 Teams and Coaches

Team Coach
1 Alexander Troshin
2 Alexis Remmers
3 Benjamin Ek
4 Henrik Johansson
5 Maja Danielsson
6 Markuss Sprogis
7 Martin Eriksson
8 Max Perea Düring
9 Pontus Ernstedt
10 Sanna Kurdahl
11 Siriann Göhl

6 Getting in Touch

Talk to us during lectures and labs
See the schedule for details.
Use Piazza
For questions that are not sensitive, consider asking a public question (Entire Class) rather than a private question (Individual Student(s) / Instructor(s)). Most questions are of interest to many students, and often, many other students chip in to try and untangle some issue, which is good for everyone.
Come by our offices
Lars-Henrik’s office hour is in his office most of the time when he’s not teaching.
Send us an email
This should be the last resort, really. Please use your student email so that we have an easier time knowing who we are talking to.
NEVER call or text
Really, don’t do that!

6.1 How do I ask a public question on Piazza?

  1. Start by searching the Piazza site using the search dialogue at top left. If the question has already been answered, you’re done. If the answer is not quite what you’re looking for, use the “follow up discussions” below the existing question to create a follow up.
  2. If the above is not successful, use the search feature on this page (check the menu).
  3. If the above is not successful, time to use Piazza! Create a new question by pressing the “New Post” button at top right. You should post to “Entire class” unless there is a strong reason to make your question private. You may make your post anonymous, but only do so if you are particularly uncomfortable revealing your identity.

6.2 How do I ask a private question on Piazza?

Follow the steps above for a public question, but select “Individual Student(s) / Instructor(s)”, rather than “Entire class”. Type the name of the person you want to contact. Tutors names are listed here.

Questions about stuff on these pages? Use our Piazza forum.

Want to report a bug? Please place an issue here. Pull requests are graciously accepted (hint, hint).

Nerd fact: These pages are generated using org-mode in Emacs, a modified ReadTheOrg template, and a bunch of scripts.

Ended up here randomly? These are the pages for a one-semester course at 67% speed on imperative and object-oriented programming at the department of Information Technology at Uppsala University, created by Tobias Wrigstad.

Author: Tobias Wrigstad

Created: 2019-09-15 Sun 14:10
