
Assignment 4 (Phase 2, Sprint 2)


This assignment has been pushed out quickly which means there is likely room for improvement in the explanations and also quite possibly bugs or needs for clarification. Please post questions on Piazza.

1 Introduction

In this assigment, we are going to spend some time overhauling the simple calculator. Specifically, we are going to extend it so that it becomes like a small interpreted programming langauge. To do that, we need to first change its structure a bit so that it becomes easier to extend – this is an application of refactoring (cf. the refactoring lecture) which means we will also want to start by fixing up some tests (cf. both unit tests in JUnit and integration tests) so that we can be sure that we don’t accidentally inject bugs in our program during refactoring.

Note: you must use JUnit for your tests.

2 Ticket 1: Adding Tests

It is quite possible that you already have some proper tests even through Assignment 3 did not specifically ask for them. If you added them in, then good on you – you probably saved time for adding them in, and you’ll be mostly or completely done with this step.

2.1 Step 1: Unit Tests of the AST

For each class in the AST, test at least the following functions so that they behave correctly:

  • getValue()
  • isConstant()
  • getName()
  • isCommand()
  • priority()
  • toString() (please read step 2 first)
  • equals() (please read step 2 first)
  • eval() (please read step 2 first)

Some classes have other behaviour too, like accessors for getting left and right subexpressions, etc.

2.2 Step 2: Integration Tests in the AST Module

Based on ad hoc test you did in the past (or maybe you did better than that!), create a number of integration tests that tests the correctness of multiple AST nodes working together. This is comes natural when you are testing equals() and eval() (etc.) as soon as you move past constants.

Try and test bad behaviour as well – is it possible to (for example) create an assignment node with no subexpressions? If so, what happens if we try to compare it with another node? Or evaluate it.

Naturally testing all possible trees is not possible (that’s bounded only by computer memory!). So what shall we test? What are some good cases?

2.3 Step 3: Unit and Integration Tests of the Parser

Once the AST tests are in place, it is time to test the parser. The reason for picking this order is that there is a dependency from the parser to the AST, but not the other way around.

For these tests, we are lucky that we moved to an implementation of the parser that is not tied to System.in but allows us to feed it any old string. Using the equals() method and the toString() method in the AST, write your tests thus:

  1. Programmatically create a valid AST, e.g. new Constant(42) or new Addition(new Constant(42), new Negation(new Constant(4711)))
  2. Use the toString() methods on these nodes to get string representation
  3. Feed the string representation to the parser to get back other AST nodes
  4. Use equals() to compare your original nodes in 1. with the ones you got back in 3.

Depending on your implementation, there might be discrepancies – for example your toString() implementation might always insert parentheses, etc. If that is the case, you need to complement these tests with ones which leave out parentheses, meaning you’ll have to manually insert the strings to parse.

The methods in the parser are so tightly integrated that it is difficult to test them alone in true unit test fashion (which is why this step is titled both unit tests and integration tests). You can apply a bottom-up technique in which you start at the very leaves of the grammar, e.g., variables, constants and named constants, then move up to the smallest possible expressions that can be built out of those, e.g. unaries, then move on to binaries, etc. – always building your tests on subcomponents that we have already tested. So, for example, once we are confident that parsing of constants works well, meaning after having implemented and executed both positive and negative test cases, we can try negation of constants, knowing that any bugs we find are likely in the handling of the negation (unary) part.

As before, testing all possible expressions is not possible. So what shall we test? What are some good cases? Tricky and unusual cases like - - - x are nice for finding corner cases, but you cannot only work with those or you’ll miss more severe bugs.

Test both positive and negative cases! This means testing both that cases that you expect to work work, and that cases that you expect to fail fail, and moreover fail in the way they are expected to fail. For example, what happens if you leave out one of the parentheses in (1 = x)? Do you get appropriate syntax errors?

2.4 Step 4: Tests at the System Level

Finally, we should add some tests at the system level. This means writing some tests for your program. There are several ways you can go about this. One example is to do the following:

  1. Create a number of text files that contain the input line by line for the program
  2. For each file in 1., create a companion text file that contains the expected output from the program for that input
  3. For each file in 1., run the program and compare the actual output with the expected output

You can use standard redirection of stdin and stdout like we did in C, like so:

$ java MyProgram < input.txt > output.txt

This uses input.txt as the user’s input and writes the program’s output to output.txt. Now we can use the diff program to compare output.txt with the expected output:

$ diff output.txt expected_output.txt

If the files are identical, this command gives no output (it only reports the differences) and also returns with exit value 0.

Beware if you use stderr in your output (possibly for stack traces or error messages), you also need to direct it too to the output file:

$ java MyProgram < input.txt 2>&1 > output.txt

If you don’t like scripting in the terminal, you can instead to all of this programmatically in Java. You can script each interaction by having e.g., a queue of input strings, and each turn in the loop pop an input off the queue and feed it to the parser. Then, instead of writing to System.out, you can use a PrintStream connected to a ByteArrayOutputStream and get a string from there which you can compare with the expected output. Here is an example of how that might be implemented:

import java.io.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // The expected string
        String expected = "Foo";

        ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(buf);
        // Write output to "out" instead of System.out

        // Get the string written to out
        String output = buf.toString(); 

        // Compare with expected 

2.5 Finish this Ticket

At the end of this ticket you should have a working unit and integration test suite that is runnable by make test in your makefile. Preferably, you should also have no failing tests.

Before we launch into the next ticket, we also need to make sure that we know the baseline – the current status quo. To this end:

  1. Make sure that everything is committed to git and/or GitHub. This will be great if we need to back out of a failed refactoring.
  2. Execute all the tests and write down which tests are failing (if any). This is needed so that we can ensure that the refactored program is equivalent to the original program.

Once you are done with this step, commit everything and tag it with assignment4_ticket1.

3 Ticket 2: Refactoring

Assignment 3 tangled the representation of the expression the programmer wrote (the AST) with how expressions are calculated (the eval() method in the AST classes). This is not so bad as long as the operations we want to do on the AST is just evaluation, but if that ever increases, then the logic is going to become hopelessly complicated. For one, it is spread across a large number of classes, and a change to one part of the functionality of the program will trigger a large number of changes to lots of classes.

A nice way to untangle the evaluation operation and the AST is to implement the visitor pattern. This pattern installs in the classes an ability ”to be visited” by some unknown logic that performs some operation which is unknown to the AST node. This way, we can add, remove and change visitors without having to change the AST.

The visitor pattern uses the double dispatch pattern, which is a way to handle the limitations of single dispatch – the fact that dynamically, when we execute an expression like x.m(y), we only look at the dynamic type of the receiver (the object pointed to by x) and not the arguments (the object pointed to by y).

I could have added a lengthy explanation of visitors here, but I did not for two reasons:

  1. Assignment 1 was criticised for having too much text
  2. There are a ton of videos, tutorials etc. online on the visitor pattern

Now is a good point to read up on the visitor pattern before coming back here.

3.1 Step 1: Create a Visitor Interface

All visitors shall implement a common interface which contains methods for visiting the concrete classes in the AST hierarchy. For simplicity, this interface is given. (Modifications are allowed but not foreseen.)

package ...;

public interface Visitor {
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Addition n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Assignment n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Constant n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Cos n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Division n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Exp n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Log n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Multiplication n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Negation n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Quit n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Sin n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Subtraction n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Variable n);
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Vars n);

What this interface is expressing is that a visitor knows (in the sense of implements a method for) how to visit nodes of the above-mentioned types.

3.2 Step 2: Implement an Evaluation Visitor

In this step, we are going to refactor our program from its current state to use an evaluation visitor for evaluating expressions. This means that all the eval() methods will be removed, and the corresponding logic moved into the evaluation visitor.

Fist, we must add an accept() method to each concrete AST class, and also to the AST root class. It is imperative that you understand why this method must be overridden in each concrete subclass of SymbolicExpression. First, here is the accept() method in all its glory1:

public SymbolicExpression accept(Visitor v) {
    return v.visit(this);

Imagine that we have an evaluation visitor v and an addition node o. AST nodes don’t know anything about the visitors (more than that they implement the Visitor interface) and the visitor cannot statically know the type of o because that is determined by what the programmer feeds to the parser. Nevertheless, we need for the visitor to find the most specific of its methods to carry out the right instructions for visiting an addition node.

When o.accept(v) o calls the visitor back with itself as argument, v.visit(this) as visible above. This might seem strange but is important because when the visitor calls o.accept(this) it is using dynamic dispatch to find the most specific accept() method for the receiver, and when o calls the visitor’s visit() method back with itself as argument, it is using the static type information about itself to be able to pick the right overloaded method in the visitor interface. In short: when the addition node calls the visitor’s visit method, it knows that it should pick the visit method that takes an addition node.

Below is a starting point for implementing the evaluation visitor. The ”entry point” is the method evaluate() which takes a root of an expression tree (SymbolicExpression topLevel) and an environment. It then visits the expression tree by calling the accept() method on the top-level, which returns a new tree in the same style as eval() in Assignment 3.

public class EvaluationVisitor implements Visitor {
    private Environment env = null;

    public SymbolicExpression evaluate(Symbolicexpression topLevel, Environment env) {
        this.env = env;
        return topLevel.accept(this);

    // This method gets called from Addition.accept(Visitor v) -- you should
    // be able to see from the eval() methods how these should behave (i.e., 
    // compare this method with your Addition::eval() and Symbolic.addition) 
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Addition n) {
        // Visit the left hand side and right hand side subexpressions
        SymbolicExpression left = n.lhs().accept(this);
        SymbolicExpression right = n.rhs().accept(this);
        // When we come back here, the visitor has visited all subexpressions, 
        // meaning left and right point to newly created trees reduced to 
        // the extent possible (best case -- both are constants)

        // If subexpressions are fully evaluated, replace them in
        // the tree with a constant whose value is the sub of the
        // subexpressions, if not, simply construct a new addition
        // node from the new subexpressions
        if (left.isConstant() && right.isConstant()) {
            return new Constant(left.getValue() + right.getValue());
        } else {
            return new Addition(left, right);

    ... // Rest of all visit methods

A Note About the Environment

Note that the environment is no longer chained through the evaluation as an argument – instead it lives as an instance variable inside the visitor. This is because different visitors will be needing various extraneous data, so we cannot know ahead of time what should be the right parameters to our accept() methods.

Once we have an evaluation visitor, we can remove all the eval() code and change the main program to use the evaluation visitor instead.

For example, if this was the original implementation:

final SymbolicExpression topLevel = Parser.parse(expression); 
final SymbolicExpression evaluationResult = topLevel.eval(variables);

it will change to

final SymbolicExpression topLevel = Parser.parse(expression); 
final Visitor evaluator = new EvaluationVisitor();
final SymbolicExpression evaluationResult = evaluator.evaluate(topLevel, variables);

3.3 Step 3: @Override

Add the @Override annotation to all method that override other method in your implementation. The reason why we do this is because we want to capture our intentions to override certain methods. If the Java compiler complains that you put @Override in a place where there was no overriding, then you have likely discovered a bug (or you were sloppy with your placements!).

Note that after this point, we are technically leaving refactoring and moving into exending the system.

3.4 Step 4: Extend the Variable Class for the Sake of the Environment

When we print the variables in the environment, we would like to print them in alphabetical order. To that end, we want to be able to sort instances of the Variable class. To accomplish this, we want the variable class to implements the Comparable interface. To make sure that only variables can be compared against other variables, we must parameterise the Comparable class with Variable class itself as type parameter. (You can look at examples on comparable pairs in the lecture on equality and identity.)

In short, make it so that the variable class implements the comparable interface in such a way that variables can be compared against other variables (and nothing else – statically). Look at the interface of the String class that you are using for your idenfiers for help on how to implement your compareTo() method.

When you have implemented this, you can change the behaviour of the vars command so that it prints the variables in alphabetical order. One way to do so is to @Override the toString() method in Environment and delgate to the environment to give its string representation. In the environment, get hold of all the keys (which will be variables or identifiers), and then crete a TreeSet from that set which orders its elements using their natural ordering (as determined by its implementation of Comparable). Then you can get an iterator from the TreeSet and print the variables. Something in the spirit of this:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Variables: ");
TreeSet<Variable> vars = new TreeSet<>(this.keySet());
for (Variable v : vars) {
    sb.append(" = ");
    sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();

Now you can simply do System.out.println(environment); to print the environment nicely. Note that the code above always prints an extra ", " at the end which is annoying. If you interact with an iterator explicitly, this can be fixed easily.

for (Iterator<Variable> iter = vars.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
    Variable v = iter.next();

3.5 Step 5: Extended Static Checking

In Assignment 3, we implemented named constants which we protected against reassignment in the evaluation by throwing an exception if we saw that an expression assigned to a named constant. That was nice, but now we will make this even nicer by adding a check that this is not the case before the evaluation even runs. That way, if we have a long or complicated expression, we can check it quickly for this error without wasting time on actually trying to implement it.

The way we implement this is by adding another visitor! This visitor will visit the entire tree (postorder – meaning inside out as before), and when it finds an assignment, it will check that the variable being assigned is not a named constant. Here is a partial implementation of this Step with the most important method partially implemented:

public class NamedConstantChecker implements Visitor {
    // Recurse down the AST tree
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Addition a) {
        return this; // No need to create a new tree

    // When we hit an assignment, make sure to check!
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Assignment a) {
        if (a.rhs().isNamedConstant()) { // or maybe you used just isConstant
            ... // see below
        return this;

You will need to add a method similar to evaluate() in EvaluationVisitor before. This method should be defined thus: public boolean check(...), and return true if there are no illegal assignments to named constants in the AST we pass in as arguments.

Exactly how you implement the ... in visit(Assignment a) above is up to you. You could throw an exception that you catch in check() or you could keep a list around with information about what assignment nodes contain illegal assignment.

Extend the main program to check for assignments to named constants before evaluating an expression and only if no such assignments exist, perform the evaluation. If such assignments exist, we should print an error message that contains at least one (in case of many) of the illegal assignments. Here is an example of what it could look like:

? (3.2 = pi) + (42 = L)
Error, assignments to named constants:
    3.2 = pi
    42 = L

If needed, extend your tests to cover the named constant checker.

3.6 Step 6: More Checking

In the same spirit as Step 5, implement a checker that checks that no variable is assigned more than once in an expression. The visitor class that implements this should be called ReassignmentChecker.

? (1 = x) + (2 = x)
Error, the variable x is reassigned.

? (1 = x) + (1 = x)
Error, the variable x is reassigned.

Add this checker to the main program so that it is run after the named constant checker. An expression entered by the user should be evaluated only if both checkers succeed.

Extend your tests to cover both positive and negative tests of the reassignment checker.

3.6.1 Optional: Basic Visitor Class

Even though it breaks the ”rule of three”, it may make sense to create a basic visitor class at this point. This class should not do anything except recurse and make a copy of the current node:

public class BasicVisitor implements Visitor {
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Addition a) {
        return new Addition(a.lhs().accept(this), a.rhs().accept(this));
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Constant c) {
        return new Constant(c.getValue()); 

This basic visitor will now become the default behaviour and we can create new visitor simply by subclassing this one and override it. If you go down this route, the simplest way to write this code is essentially to copy the NamedConstantChecker and rename it and remove the few lines of logic that isn’t simpy recurse and copy. With this in place, we can write the NamedConstantChecker simply like this:

public class NamedConstantChecker extends BasicVisitor {
    public SymbolicExpression visit(Assignment a) {
        ... // the logic from before

Of course, we can (and should!) do something similar in the implementation of the reassignment checker.

3.7 Step 7: More Evaluation   optional

Symbolic calculators are nice, but sometimes we would like to operate on expressions without free variables (meaning variables which have not been assigned a value). Subclassing the basic visitor or the evaluation visitor, create a new visitor FullEvaluationVisitor which throws a UndefinedVariableException (that you will have to define as a subclass to RuntimeException) if it tries to read a variable which does not have a value in the environment.

In the case of this error occuring, we would like to print out a full ”backtrace” of the expression where the error occurs, like this:

? 1 = y
? 5 + 2 * x
Error, 'x' is undefined in
  2 * x in
    5 + 2 * x

? 1 + x = y
Error, 'x' is undefined in
  1 + x in
    1 + x = y

The backtrace prints the expressions where the error occurs inside out. In the case of the first example above, first 2 * x which contains the variable node that ”blows up”, and then its containing super expression 5 + 2 * x.

Here are two suggestions for implementing the back trace:

  1. Add a List<SymbolicExpression> errorStack to the visitor and wrap the body of each visit method in a try/catch statement that catches a UndefinedVariableException, pushes the current node to the error stack (using some appropriate method in the List interface), and then rethrows the same exception. Then, once the exception has propagated back to the toplevel method of the visitor, the error stack will contain all the expressions in which the undefined variable access was nested. (This implementation will leave you wanting something like Aspect-Oriented Programming because of how this ”concern” must be manually added all over the place.)
  2. Extend the SymbolicExpression class with a parent field that points to the parent expression, and method for setting and getting the parent. This design will allow us to traverse an AST inside out, but the cost is the added complexity when creating new AST nodes – now they must always be informed about their parent nodes. The latter can be implemented in the constuctors of all AST classes by using the current this as arguments to the setParent() methods of all subexpressions. An alternative to changing the constructors is to add a visitor that simply sets the parents for all nodes in a tree.

Feel free to come up with other ideas. Note that the behaviour of this visitor is exactly the same as the evaluation visitor, except that if we access a variable that is not in the environment, we will throw an exception.

Add a switch to the program (a flag that the user passes in that is stored in the args[0] argument to main()) that if set to --not-symbolic will use the FullEvaluationVisitor instead of the normal EvaluationVisitor. Feel free to rename the latter to SymbolicEvaluationVisitor if you think this makes things clearer.

Extend your tests accordingly.

3.8 Step 8: Even More Checking   optional

Following the logic in Step 6, create a checker that can be run before the FullEvaluationVisitor to detect if that would throw an exception so that we can avoid running the visitor in those cases. Note that we are writing a checker, not an evaluator – this means (for example) that we may not modify the environment.

A suggestion for implementation is to classify each variable as either free or bound. A variable becomes bound when it is assigned, and all non-bound variables are free. If we visit an AST in the normal postorder, if we see an assignment to a variable x, we add x to the list of bound variables. If we see an access of a variable which is not bound, then we add that variable to the list of free variables.

Note that a variable that is used before it is assigned will end up in both categories, which is fine – that simply captures a behaviour which is illegal in the FullEvaluationVisitor. Also note that all variables in the environment are bound.

If you implement a FreeBoundVariableChecker according to this logic, you can have it visit an AST, and then simply look at the list of free variables. If that list is non-empty, we cannot run the FullEvaluationVisitor without throwing an exception.

Add this checker to the program so that it is run if (and only if) the FullEvaluationVisitor is used. If an expression contains a free variable, it should not be evaluated. If you implemented the parent pointers, then producing the same backtrace as in Step 7 should be straightforward (since you have a list of free variables which are SymbolicExpression’s and thus have parent pointers). If you did not, then feel free to simplify matters and simply write the names of all free variables to the terminal:

? 1 = y
? 5 + 2 * x
Error, 'x' is undefined.

? 1 + x + z = y
Error, 'x' and 'z' are undefined.

Extend/update your tests accordingly.

3.9 Finishing this Ticket

By now, you should have:

  1. Torn out the old eval() and replaced it with a evaluation visitor.
  2. Decorated the code with @Override annotations where sensible and gotten that to compile without warnings.
  3. Extended the Variable class with the Comparable interface, properly parameterized~, and used this in the toString() method of Environment to print variables in order for the vars command.
  4. Retired the logic for trapping assignments to named constants in the evaluation and replaced that with a specific checker that runs before the evaluation. The main program should report errors as explained above and not proceed to evaluation if errors are found.
  5. Implemented a reassignment checker that traps cases of reassignment to variables. The main program should report errors as exemplified above and not proceed to evaluation if errors are found.
  6. Implemented a stricter evaluation visitor that throws an exception if it comes across an undefined variable.
  7. Implemented a free variable checker that traps accesses to undefined variables and avoids calling the evaluator in 6. for expressions that contain those.
  8. Extended your test cases to cover any additional behaviour of the above.

Once you are satisifed that everything works, commit everything and tag it with assignment4_ticket2.

4 Ticket 3: Extensions

In this ticket, we are going to extend the calculator with new functions so that it becomes more like a proper programming language. Also, we are going to do this in test-driven development style, which means that we are going to start by writing one or more test cases for what we are doing next, as specification for what we want to accomplish, and then write the implementation that meets that specification.

In a nutshell, this is what we will add:

  1. Scopes
  2. Conditionals
  3. Functions (declaration and call)

4.1 Step 1: Scopes

We are going to extend the calculator’s language with scopes which are denoted using { and }.

Scopes work like parentheses, but variables defined in a scope are only bound in that scope. Thus, that means that the following code is valid and behaves thus – in the first expression, x is never reassigned – instead we have two different x’s.

? {1 = x} + {1 = x}

? {1 = x} + {x}
1.0 + x

Just like parentheses, scopes can be nested. Shadowing of variables in scopes is allowed (although it is a terrible idea in practice!).

? {{1 = x} = x}

? {(2 = x) + {1 = x}}

To implement shadowing, a simple is to keep a stack of environments around – entering a new scope pushes a new environment at the top of the stack, and exiting a scope pops the current environment off the stack. Looking up a variable starts with the environment at the top of the stack, and then proceeds to loop in the next environment if the variable was not found, etc. Assignment, however, always creates or updates a variable in the scope at the top of the stack.

The lookup rules are exemplified with this simple example:

? (1 = x) + {(2 + x = x) + {3 + x = x}}

First, in (1 = x), x is assigned 1 in the outermost, ”global”, scope. Then, in (2 + x = x), we first lookup x from the enclosing (outermost) scope to calculate 2 + x and then we assign x in the current scope to the result, which is 3 as x is 1 in the global scope. Then, in 3 + x = x, we again lookup x from the enclosing (nested) scope, and see that its value is 3, meaning 3 + x is 6 which is the value we assign to x in the current scope. So, at this point, there are no less than three x variables in the program – one per scope – bound to 1, 3 and 6 respectively. (The sum of which is 10.)

Note that only variables assigned in the top-level scope are stored between expressions, as demonstrated by the following example:

? {{1 = x} = x} = y

? x

? y

To get scopes working you will need to:

  1. Add a Scope class to the AST.
  2. Extend the parser with support for the scope syntax (which you are free to extrapolate from the examples above).
  3. Extend the visitor interface and all visitors with support for scopes (e.g., using a stack of environments maintained locally (except the global one which is still passed in like before)) inside each visitor.

Don’t forget to work in a test-driven way!

4.2 Step 2: Conditionals

We are going to extend the calculator with support for conditionals – simple if-expressions that look like this:

if identifier op identifier scope else scope

An if-expression is (wait for it!) an expression, meaning we can have nested ifs.

The possible op operators are: \(<\), \(>\), \(<=\), \(>=\) and \(==\) which have the obvious semantics (which correspond to the semantics of the identical Java operators).

Note that we are adding new keywords to the language, so we should not allow if and else to be used as variables (like with cos, etc.).

Here is an example of an if-expression:

? 3 = x

? 4 = y

? if x < y { 42 } else { 4711 }

The operators can only compare concrete values, meaning that comparing against a free variable should throw an exception. Luckily, we already have a visitor that traps accesses to free variables so we can reuse that logic.

To get conditionals working you will need to:

  1. Add a Conditional class to the AST.
  2. Extend the parser with support for the new syntax (which you are free to extrapolate from the examples above).
  3. Extend the visitor interface and all visitors with support for conditionals.

Don’t forget to work in a test-driven way!

4.3 Step 3: Functions

Now, things will start to get really interesting! We are going to add functions. Function definitions will start with the keyword function followed by the name of the function (an identifier), followed by a list of parameter names, and then a newline. Then, each subsequent line is part of the function’s body until the keyword end is entered on a single line. The last line before end is the return value. Thus, here is an example of how we might define a max function that takes two arguments and returns the greatest:

? function max(x, y)
    if x < y { y } else { x }

? max(5, 7)

? max(5)
Error, function 'max' called with two few arguments. Expected 2, got 1.

? max(5, 7, 9)
Error, function 'max' called with two many arguments. Expected 2, got 3.

We are going to need a few more AST node for this one, i.e., FunctionDeclaration which keeps track of the name of the function, its parameters and its body in a Sequence, and FunctionCall which consists of an identifier and a list of arguments. To make things simple, arguments to a function should be only numbers or identifiers.

We also need to extend the system with a list of known functions. This list can start empty and grow with each function definition. A function declaration that uses a name of an already declared function will overwrite the old declaration with the new declaration.

4.3.1 Parsing Function Definition

A straightforward albeit slightly hacky way to extend the parser to support function declarations is by adding function identifier (identifierlist) and end as two top-level statements. Once the user enters a function …, we go into function definition mode at which point any subsequent expression is not evaluated but instead added to the list of statements inside the body of the function. Finally, when we hit upon the end, we know that we are done with the body and can return back to normal mode of operation. This can be implemented as the main program keeping track of what we are parsing and choosing to use a parsed expression as something to evaluate or stick in the body of a function, or we can do this parsing entirely inside the parser. One problem with the latter is that the main program currently reads input from the user line by line, and we don’t want the parser to read from e.g. stdin.

Nested function definitions is not permitted and an end occurring anywhere but to close a function body is an error.

4.3.2 Calling a Function

Let us first consider calling a function without arguments. When calling foo(), the evaluation visitor(s) can simply replace the FunctionCall node with the body of the function (a Sequence node) and call its accept() method. Evaluating a sequence should simply visit all the expressions in the sequence in order and then return the value of the last one. Note that function bodies always run inside a nested scope, so they do not introduce or update variables in a way that is visible outside of the function.

Now, how to implement arguments to a function? Well, we know the internal names of the parameters from the function definition, and we know the values of the arguments from the function call. For each parameter p bound to the argument a we are going to prepend a a = p to the function body Sequence. Thus, in the case of the call to max(5, 7) it is as if we would have written the following:

5 = x
7 = y
if (x < y) { y } else { x }

As is visible from the erring examples of calls to max, we need yet another checker that checks that the arguments match the parameters of the call. If a function is ill-defined, e.g., it uses conditionals on a undefined variable, or has a command in its body, then the declaration needs to be rejected. So we will need some form of visitor for function declarations.

To get functions working you will need to:

  1. Add a few classes to the AST, like FunctionDeclaration, FunctionCall and Sequence.
  2. Extend the parser with support for the new syntax, probably by moving some of the parser logic into the main program as outlined above. The syntax of Sequence is several statements separated by a newline.
  3. Extend the visitor interface and all visitors with support for function calls and function definitions.

Don’t forget to work in a test-driven way!

4.4 Finishing this Ticket

By now, you should have:

  1. Test cases and implementation for scopes, conditionals, function definitions and function calls.
  2. There are quite a few things in this ticket that are open to intepretation. Feel free to ask questions on a by need basis.
  3. Write documentation for all the choices you made in the implementation. What is the syntax for scopes? What is the semantics of scopes? Etc.
  4. Write down how to run all the tests.

Once you are satisifed that everything works, commit everything and tag it with assignment4_ticket3.

4.5 Ultimate Tests

Here are two programs that hopefully should work with your code. Note that they are both recursive. The last is a program that you wrote in lab 1 during the C bootstrap. We are back at the roots again, but this time, you did not write the program, but you implemented the language that runs the program. Quite an achievement!

function factorial(n)
  n - 1 = m
  if n > 1 {factorial(m) * n} else {1}
function gcd(a, b)
  b - a = ba
  a - b = ab
  if a == b { a } else { if a < b { gcd(a, ba) } else { gcd { ab, b} } }

5 Finishing the Assignment

  1. Go over your backlog of cheats and dodges and see which ones need taking care of. Ideally this stack should be empty.
  2. Write up any necessary documentation of your program, any extra documentation needed because of design decisions you took or deals made with the teachers. Put this in a README.md in the top-level directory for this assignment.
  3. As the first section of README.md, add instructions for how to build and run the program. Ideally, this should be as easy as make followed by make run.
  4. Prepare a demonstration of z104 to give at the next lab. In addition to z104, pick another 2-3 achievements to tick off, and include these in your demonstration preparation. To back up your presentation, present evidence like places in your code where relevant things show up, documentation, paper drawings, etc. – things that support your demonstration. Think carefully about what things fit together (ask for help if you feel uncertain after trying) and what achievements tell a good story together. Make sure that not one person dominates the demonstration or answers all questions to avoid someone failing the demonstration because there was no evidence of achievements mastery.
  5. Send an email to z104@wrigstad.com with your names and usernames, a link to the GitHub repository where the code can be checked out.
  6. Create a final commit for the assignment and check it into GitHub. After the normal push, add a tag assignment4_done (be careful to spell it just like that) and push the tag to the server by adding --tags to the git push command. If your partner wants to pull the tag, he or she needs to add a --tags to the git pull command, but if you were careful to have a commit which was just a tag, then having that synced is not important.
  7. Optional Please take time to feedback on the assignment.


There are better ways to implement this, but more complicated so this will do for now.

Författare: Tobias Wrigstad

Created: 2019-04-24 Wed 11:25
